Our Governors

Our current governors are:

Alan Hirst - Chair     (Co-opted Governor - Appointed by GB/Board  First Appointed 01/08/1994

Term of Office 15/07/2023 to 14/07/2027)


Helen Merrick - Vice Chair  (Co-opted Governor - Appointed by GB/Board  First Appointed 01/08/2002

Term of Office 15/07/2023 to 14/07/2027)


Caroline Astall    (Associate member - Appointed by GB/Board  First Appointed 20/07/2022

Term of Office 20/07/2022 to 19/07/2026)

Harrison Burkitt ( Co-opted Governor - Appointed by GB/Board  First Appointed 01/07/2024

Term of Office 01/07/2024 to 30/06/2028)

Kathryn Fortune  (Associate Member - Appointed by GB/Board First Appointed 21/09/2018   

Term of Office 23/11/2023 - 22/11/2024 )

Calum McFarlane   ( Parent Governor - Elected by Parents  First Appointed 20/09/2019

Term of Office 20/09/2023 to 19/09/2027)


Abbie Pietrzak  (Associate member - Appointed by GB/Board  First Appointed 20/07/2022

Term of Office 20/07/2022 to 19/07/2026)

Rebecca Stuart  ( Parent Governor - Elected by Parents  First Appointed 04/11/2022

Term of Office 04/11/2022 to 03/11/2026)

Andrea Thompson  (Co-opted Governor - Appointed by GB/Board  First Appointed 01/09/2011

Term of Office 15/07/2023 to 14/07/2027)

Calum Waugh  ( Staff Governor - Elected by Staff  First Appointed 04/07/2022

Term of Office 04/07/2022 to 03/07/2026)

Rachael Weeden  ( Parent Governor - Elected by Parents  First Appointed 04/11/2022

Term of Office 04/11/2022 to 03/11/2026)


At present, there are two subcommittees for the Governing Body - Resources and Teaching and Learning.

Resources committee is responsible for all financial governance. Teaching and Learning committee is responsible for the progress of the children within school and staffing.

All governors may attend committees, but only members may vote. 

No current governor is currently serving on any other Governing Body.

One current governor has declared business or financial Interest or any material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff


Governor Meeting Attendance