Class News


 Spring 2 - Year 3 & Year 4 Singaround

This half term, Years 3 and 4 had a wonderful time singing at the Singarounds in The Gallery, Manchester Recording Studios. The Singarounds have been taking place (with exception of 2020 and 2021) for over 15 years, and they provide an opportunity for children from different schools to come together and sing songs in a city centre venue. This year the children performed in a new location to us, hopefully one we will return to! The children were able to perform songs they had learnt in school and perform these with other children from lots of different schools. They all had a wonderful time and displayed great manners throughout the trip.

“I loved singing the songs we had been learning with other schools, it was so much fun!” – Sophia

“I didn’t expect for there to be musical instruments, we got to listen to a man play the piano and the violin!” - Austyn





Summer 1 - Hindu Mandir Visit

Year 3 went to visit a Hindu Mandir and learnt about the common beliefs and practices in the faith. We took a tour around the Temple and were encouraged to ask questions as we looked around. The BAPS Shri Swaminarayan we visited aim to preserve Indian culture and the Hindu ideals of faith, unity, and selfless service in diverse communities around the world.  The vast building captivated Year 3 from the moment the bus pulled into the car park.

Year 3 were fascinated when they stepped inside the prayer area of the Temple and even more so after listening to the stories our host told, particularly about Lord Swaminarayan. The children have been learning about different religious places in our RE lessons and thoroughly enjoyed this experience!

‘I enjoyed taking part in the Hindu worship while we were at the Mandir. We clapped along to a song while the Priest thanked the Gods by waving a candle near them’ Poppy

‘We went into the classroom area after visiting the Shrine and asked lots of questions to the teacher there. He told us lots about the Mandir and showed us videos of other Mandirs around the world.’ Keira A

‘Looking at the Shrine of the Gods was magnificent! I loved spotting the Gods we have learnt about in RE, like Hanuman and Ganesh.’ Austyn