Class News

 Spring 2 - WOW! What a Fantastic Half Term for Year 1

Year 1 began their half term discovering amazing facts all about ‘The Great Fire of London’ through looking at newspaper articles and Samuel Pepys’ diary. We then shared our knowledge with the rest of the school and our families in our class assembly. We had so much fun singing all the songs and showcasing our fire dance. For World Book Day Year 1 dressed up as their favourite book characters. It was lovely to begin our day of celebrations with our reading buddy partners. The children also enjoyed Lovely Ladies day and sharing their morning with you in school!

We also attended the Singaround event this half term enjoying a morning of music, dance and song. They represented Torkington exceptionally well, we were very proud of their super behaviour and how they joined in with such enthusiasm. Then it was onto Enterprise Week, where the children learnt about raising money for charity. We planned, baked, and decorated biscuits and had so much fun in the process! To celebrate such a FABULOUS half term Year 1 finished off with a super fun Easter egg hunt as the children’s class treat and enjoyed eating the treasure they discovered at the end. Time for a rest ready for fun next term super stars!



 Summer 1 - Another Fantastic term for Year 1

This half terms learning has focused on stories from other cultures, we have enjoyed looking at ‘We All Went On Safari’ and ‘Handa’s Surprise’ especially. We created story maps and used masks to act them out before researching other African animals using the iPad and reinventing the story to write our own. ‘Our teachers were amazed by our work’                                                                    

We have looked at plants in Science and have been out exploring our lovely school grounds to see what we could find. We visited the bee’s and learnt all about them to create fact files. We also enjoyed investigating where our food comes from in Geography looking at the production of foods such as bananas, potatoes and sugar as well as tasting all the foods from Handa’s surprise and having a Teddy bears picnic!