Class News


 Spring 2 - Stockport Hydro Awards

Our school was invited to receive a £300 donation by Stockport hydro community. Every winner was given the opportunity to explain what the money would be used for in our school. There were many schools also claiming their cheque for all their amazing economic achievements. Our school will put our money towards the 4th meadow. It is a privilege to be able to build these meadows with the money we have been given by Stockport Hydro Community and it will expand our school’s eco-system even more. We will also be helping our bees by expanding their environment with flowers. It was very interesting to go and see the Hydro Plant and to understand how the river can produce green electricity for our community. It was really exciting to go and represent our school in such an important community event.  Jessica & Jack (Year 6)

Ruby & Jack Year 6


Summer 1 - Year 6 Mindfulness Workshop

With SAT’S fast approaching, Year 6 took part in a mindfulness session provided by our friends at Turn the Page Counselling. We started off with doing a warm hug breathing technique which is when you breathe in, lifting your arms up, crossing your arms over your chest, then releasing them down as you breathe out. Then we opened an envelope which had a feather in it which is for stroking your nose before SATs to increase dopamine levels. In the rest of the envelope, there was two pieces of card, stickers and some gems. We were able to decorate the cards with the provided stickers and gems to make affirmation cards to read before tests. We all really enjoyed it and would hope to do it again-  Ella & Meg :)



Year 6 - A Journey into the Future of Aerospace on 23/04/2024

Year 6 were invited to soar into a world of innovation and creativity with a workshop in conjunction with STEM Learning and the Smallpiece Trust. The day was fuelled with high-flying adventure! Year 6 teamed up to design, build, and test three unique gliders, each a masterpiece of form, shape, and materials.

This was a very exciting activity. We learnt lots about engineering by designing and making our own gliders. We used teamwork very well by communicating to our classmates, pairs and groups if we needed to. Then we were ready for take off! and we timed how long they would stay in the air and evaluated our designs. This was great fun and we would like to do it again next time.